Here you will find music and information on bands back in the early to mid-80s up to the present day. Most from Ann Arbor, all from Michigan. Definitely not an inclusive list. ---wes

Downloadable MP3s of ANN ARBOR hardCORE music from the early to mid '80s

Hiawatha from the "CULT HEROES" has shared some of his amazing band/show flyer collection. Go peep flyers from 1977 to about 1986. If you know about Bookies, Destroy All Monsters, STATE (before preston and keir), Gary Grimshaw, Nunzios, Niagara, Fantasy Fashions, then you will enjoy this

The localCHAOS archive of band and music flyer. Centered around the Ann Arbor/Detroit music scene from the early 80s

'ZINE LIBRARY - My collection of 'zines from the early 80s. localCHAOS was part of a "zine network" that existed then. GO check out over 100 'zines!

ALBUM ART - I scanned a bunch of my 45/EP record covers. Go check out some KILLER art work

"Just For Fun" - compilation cassette of Ann Arbor HardCORE bands. Recorded/produced during 1982-1983.

"SHUT UP AND TAKE THE FIFTH" - Compliation of Ann Arbor bands from the late 80s

Here are some other 'zines from 1980's Ann Arbor.
IRH - "Isolated RAT Hearts"
more 'zines from Ann Arbor

BANDS - click the name for more information!

3D JESUS - ummmm...Ann Arbor hardcore band who's vocalist was kicked out of the State for smiling to much, a drummer who played with his eyes closed, a bass player who played his bass upside down and a guitar play who wasn't really a guitar player. 1982-1984


BORED STIFFS - Matt Royston, Mike Gerzevitz, Kirk VanLoon

CULT HEROES Ann Arbor band that has been around a long time. They still kickass after all these years.


DESTRUCTION RIDE Ann Arbor hardcore "Super Group".

DISMISSLE - Commie High thrash band from around 1983-84ish?

The F.A.S.

G.O.C. - "Guardians of CHAOS", "Grinding on Coping", "Gallons of CUM" ...

GROUND ZERO - These guys opened up for ALL the "big name" bands that came to town. They even did a bit a touring on the east coast. OUTFUCKINGSTANDING Demo that was done back in 1984 and never released... until now.

IMR - "Infant Mortality Rate" - Dave/Vocals, Cam/Bass, Joe/Guitar, Josh/Drums

LESIONS OF PUS - Lee Woods, Dan Petit, Matt Royston, Todd Phillips

The LUNATICS - VERY fun band to watch and dance to. Well.. ok.. more like watch all the GIRLS dance to. ;-)





P.V.C. - "Pool and Vertical Club" skateCORE band whose members actually skated

ROTOKILLER - Michigan hardCORE

THE SERVICE - 80s thrashcore fuckups. Guns, drugs, booze and skateboards. No kidding..


SPECIAL GUESTS - Alex Bago, Bill McNally, Sam Lapedes, 1981

S.L.K. - local ska band with music that could make ya get rowdy on the dance floor. It was fun seeing these guys play at "Rick's" or during Art Fair on one of the music stages

STATE Ann Arbor hardCORE. Go check out the videos of this band LIVE

SUDDEN DEATH - 1984 speed/death/thrash/fuckwhatever metal

SYNTHETIC PUKE - Early 80's .. well...go read this now

T.M.S. "Tom Monya SUCKS" - wes, jeff hadley, scotty

THE TRUTH - Paul Evans, Pete Bullard, JB, Aaron Jones

VARIABLES - 80's MOD band who got sucked up in the ann arbor hardcore scene. Those guys were WAY good.