STATE performs at the UNION Ballroom here in Ann Arbor 1983 - photos by Alice Royston

STATE, Ann Arbor hardcore, countless number of past band members, broken guitar strings, HEAVY drums and intense vocals. Still rocking HARD. Current line up is Art Tendler on guitar, Preston Woodward on vocals, Keir Murrey on drums and Jeff Navarre on bass

The collage of images on the right is from "local CHAOS" issue #3 - 1983

VIDEOS - Recorded LIVE February 26, 2005 at the BLIND PIG - Ann Arbor

"no illusions" - (5.4 megs)

"girl violence" -(7.3 megs)

AND .. never before seen anywhere else .. videos of some new songs

"christian" - (7.6 megs)

"you're a DEAD man - (10 megs)

Studio OUT TAKES from a session around 1983. Check these RAW Mp3s OUT!

"dont tread on me"
"from the ashes"
"Im dead"
"in chains"
"nixed life"
"we let you sink"
"kick the thugs out"

Here is a link to my TWO original copies of the infamous STATE ep "NO ILLUSIONS"

From "Isolated RAT Hearts" issue #8 1983 - Early History of the STATE

click on each image for a larger version

State performs in Hadley's backyard sometime in 1983 - [from the localCHAOS archive]

Images below are by Sean Carroll - click on each one for a larger version

FLYERS from past shows

PICTURES from the June 30, 2006 show at the BLIND PIG - photos by wes

PICTURES from the December 9, 2006 show at the Heidelberg - photos by wes

with Jess and Gabrielle from the Pussy Pirates!!